Izdelki za olje in (91)

CBD olje 10% 1 liter - Olja

CBD olje 10% 1 liter - Olja

CBD Oil 10% 1 Liter - Oils Product contains:1000 mg SKU:100058 Weight:1100 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
Ekološko Mandarinsko / Limetino olje

Ekološko Mandarinsko / Limetino olje

durch Kaltpressung aus der Schale der Bio Orange (Citrus Sinensis) gewonnen
CBD olje 5% 1 liter - Olja

CBD olje 5% 1 liter - Olja

CBD Oil 5% 1 Liter - Oils Product contains:500 mg SKU:100057 Weight:1100 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
Oljčno olje iz grozdnih semen, Hladno stisnjeno

Oljčno olje iz grozdnih semen, Hladno stisnjeno

ohne Zusätze - kaltgepresst - mild fruchtiger Geschmack mit nussiger Note
Ekološko Olje Poprove Mente

Ekološko Olje Poprove Mente

durch Destillation aus der Bio Pfefferminze (Mentha piperita) gewonnen Lecker’s Bio Pfefferminzöl können Sie zum Aromatisieren von Salat, Gebäck, Dessertspeisen, Schokoladen und Getränken verwenden: • 100% naturreines Bio Pfefferminzöl • wird durch Destillation aus der Bio Pfefferminze (Mentha piperita) gewonnen Verarbeitungshinweis: max. 1/2 Röhrchen auf 500g Mehl oder 500 ml Flüssigkeit verwenden. Zutaten:: 100 % naturreines Bio Pfefferminzöl Lagerhinweis:: Kühl und dunkel, nach Anbruch maximal 2 Wochen im Kühlschrank haltbar Verarbeitungshinweis:: max. 1/2 Röhrchen auf 500g Mehl oder 500 ml Flüssigkeit verwenden. Diäthinweise:: ungesüßt; vegan; vegetarisch
CBD olje 25% 1 liter - Olja

CBD olje 25% 1 liter - Olja

CBD Oil 25% 1 Liter - Oils Product contains:2500 mg SKU:100100 Weight:1100 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
Ekološko konopljino olje

Ekološko konopljino olje

Schonend kaltgepresstes Hanföl aus eigener Herstellung, gepresst aus den Hanfsamen des kontrolliert biologischen Anbaus. Bio Hanföl wird bei Vitis in der eigenen Ölmühle aus Hanfsamen schonend kaltgepresst. Die Rohware stammt aus dem kontrolliert biologischen Anbau. Das gewonnene Bio Hanföl ist reines Naturprodukt ohne künstliche Zusatzstoffe in Rohkostqualität. Bio Hanföl verfügt über wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe: - ideales Verhältnis der Fettsäuren Omega 6 (Linolsäure) & Omega 3 (Alpha-Linolsäure) - enthält Gamma-Linolensäure - reich an essentiellen Fettsäuren - enthält Antioxidantien Bio Hanföl ist geeignet zur Anwendung in der kalten Küche, z.B. für Salate, Smoothies und Bowls. Es ist damit ein sehr gutes Produkt für Feinkost und Naturkost Geschäfte. Private Label möglich. Bio Hanföl ist sehr gut geeignet für die Hautpflege und zur Anwendung in Naturkosmetik. Auf Wunsch beliefern wir Sie auch mit Bio Hanföl in großen Gebinden, z.B. Kanister als Bulkware.
Žita - Semena

Žita - Semena

Getreide und Saaten bieten wir in einer Vielzahl von Veredelungsvarianten an. Für die moderne Tierernährung ist es fundamental, dass speziell die eingesetzten Getreidesorten in einem Veredelungsprozess aufgeschlossen werden und somit für unsere Haustiere verdaulich sind. Saaten werden überwiegend in der Ernährung von Nagern und Vögeln eingesetzt. Auch diese Naturrohstoffe stammen von ausgewählten und kontrollierten Landwirtschaftsbetrieben mit garantierter Herkunftssicherheit.
Riviera Prstani

Riviera Prstani

This bottle exudes a bright and distinctive personality, radiating positive energy with its stylish design. The elegant rifling along the silhouette enhances the way light interacts with the bottle, creating dynamic reflections and harmonious effects. It stands as an exceptional example of contemporary luxury and one-of-a-kind elegance.
Pogodbena Delo: Hladno Stiskanje Jesti Olja

Pogodbena Delo: Hladno Stiskanje Jesti Olja

Lohnpressung verschiedener Öle im Kaltpressverfahren - Bio oder konventionell Lohnpressung verschiedener Ölsaaten im Kaltpressverfahren: - konventionell oder Bio jeweils auf verschiedenen Anlagen möglich - verschiedene Rohwaren/Ölsaaten sind möglich - Klärung durch Sedimentation oder Filtration - Abfüllung des Öles in Wunschgebinde (Kanister, IBC, Flaschen usw.) - Presskuchen kann ebenfalls in Wunschgebinde abgefüllt werden
CBD olje 20% 1 liter - Olja

CBD olje 20% 1 liter - Olja

CBD Oil 20% 1 Liter - Oils Product contains:1000 mg SKU:100060 Weight:1100 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
CBD olje 25% Whitelabel | 2500mg - Olja

CBD olje 25% Whitelabel | 2500mg - Olja

CBD Oil 25% Whitelabel | 2500mg - Oils Product contains:2500 mg SKU:100098 Weight:45 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
CBD olje 10% Whitelabel | 1000mg - Olja

CBD olje 10% Whitelabel | 1000mg - Olja

CBD Oil 10% Whitelabel | 1000mg - Oils Product contains:1000 mg SKU:100095 Weight:45 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
Sistem za recikliranje olja RS 6000

Sistem za recikliranje olja RS 6000

The system RS 6000 is a high-performing recycling system that cleans large oil volumes in several process stages. This system was constructed for many years of reliable work without service. By several process steps such as heating and settling, large amounts of water and dirt are removed. Additionally, the usage of settling technology and a pre-filter increases the service life of the main filter. The RS 6000 can be operated manually, semi- automatic, and fully automatic. It is the ideal recycling system for central treatment of, for example, cutting oil or cooling lubricants. 400 V asynchronous-motor Robust, stable gear pump Free choice of settling- and heating times and the number of filter passes Either manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic operation Displays for operation- and process status Flow regulation for high viscosity oils Element lifter for fast filter exchange Height:2.550 mm Length:1.200 mm Width:1.250 mm Weight:750 kg
CBD olje 20% Whitelabel | 2000mg - Olja

CBD olje 20% Whitelabel | 2000mg - Olja

CBD Oil 20% Whitelabel | 2000mg - Oils Product contains:2000 mg SKU:100097 Weight:45 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
LECKER'S Ekološko Olje Poprove Mente

LECKER'S Ekološko Olje Poprove Mente

Lecker’s Bio Pfefferminzöl können Sie zum Aromatisieren von Salat, Gebäck, Dessertspeisen, Schokoladen und Getränken verwenden • 100% naturreines Bio Pfefferminzöl wird durch Destillation aus der Bio Pfefferminze (Mentha piperita) gewonnen Zutaten:100 % naturreines Pfefferminzöl* *=aus kontrolliert ökoligischer Erzeugung Allergene :keine enthalten Vegetarisch:Ja Vegan:Ja
Olje za nohte - Vse olja za nohte ponujamo v steklenicah od 5 ml do 15 ml ter v večjih količinah od 2,5 litra

Olje za nohte - Vse olja za nohte ponujamo v steklenicah od 5 ml do 15 ml ter v večjih količinah od 2,5 litra

Hochwertige Nagelöle in vielen Duftrichtungen und Farben- WIr fertigen die Nagelöle in jeder Flasche - sowie in Kundenflaschen ! Wir unterbreiten Ihnen gerne ein Angebot !
CBD olje 5% Whitelabel | 500mg - Olja

CBD olje 5% Whitelabel | 500mg - Olja

CBD Oil 5% Whitelabel | 500mg - Oils Product contains:500 mg SKU:100094 Weight:45 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
Za velike naftne rezervoarje: M 504

Za velike naftne rezervoarje: M 504

Our oil reservoir cleaning system M 504 has the capacity of cleaning large oil containers like large tanks and reservoirs, and to store enormous amounts of water and dirt. The M 504 consists of 4 large C-1200 housings and achieves a flow of nearly 300 liter per minute. Due to the large filter elements (1.5 m purely axial flow) this machine is the solution to re-obtain an oil quality in reservoirs in fresh oil condition or better. The M 504 is specified separately for each customer- specific use. It can also be delivered in the mobile version (see figure) if needed. 400 V asynchronous-motor Robust, stable gear pump, 6.5 kW Manometer for flow- and element control Pressure switch for selection setting in unattended operation 24/7 – unattended operation Transfer-circuit Flow regulation for high viscosity oils Element lifter for fast filter exchange Including crane for easy filter exchange
CBD olje 15% Whitelabel | 1500mg - Olja

CBD olje 15% Whitelabel | 1500mg - Olja

CBD Oil 15% Whitelabel | 1500mg - Oils Product contains:1500 mg SKU:100096 Weight:45 g Dimensions:0.00 × 0.00 × 0.00 cm Carrier oil:Coconut oil (MCT), Hempseed oil (HSO) Available in:European Union Origin:Germany Whitelabel available:Yes
Separator oljne meglice AF-10P - Med obdelavo se sproščajo oljne in emulzijske meglice, ki lahko povzročijo nezdravo okolje.

Separator oljne meglice AF-10P - Med obdelavo se sproščajo oljne in emulzijske meglice, ki lahko povzročijo nezdravo okolje.

Oil mist separator – extraction systems for vapours Oil mist separators are a must in order to ensure the extraction of oil mist from machine tools. With AOF filters we offer a whole series of extraction systems for effective extraction and filtration. The separator can filter emulsion mist, oil mist, smoke and odours. Oil mist filters can be installed on almost all turning machines– and milling machines and BAZ. In this way you can offer a healthy working environment for you and your employees. Heat and odours are effectively filtered and the emulsion separated from the exhaust air can be reused. The filters of the oil mist separators are equipped with multi-stage filtration. The elements are cleanable and reusable. Harmful emissions, dust and aerosols are removed from the air at almost 100%. Motor:0.2kW capacity:11 m³ /min (660 m³/h) Noise level:60 db (A) Air inlet:Ø 150 mm
Separator oljne meglice AF-30P - Separator oljne meglice – sistemi za ekstrakcijo hlapov

Separator oljne meglice AF-30P - Separator oljne meglice – sistemi za ekstrakcijo hlapov

Oil mist separators are a must in order to ensure the extraction of oil mist from machine tools. With AOF filters we offer a whole series of extraction systems for effective extraction and filtration. The separator can filter emulsion mist, oil mist, smoke and odours. Oil mist filters can be installed on almost all turning machines– and milling machines and BAZ. In this way you can offer a healthy working environment for you and your employees. Heat and odours are effectively filtered and the emulsion separated from the exhaust air can be reused. The filters of the oil mist separators are equipped with multi-stage filtration. The elements are cleanable and reusable. Harmful emissions, dust and aerosols are removed from the air at almost 100%. Health hazards Oil mist and emulsion mist Motor:0.75 kW capacity:29 m³ /min (1,740 m³/h) Noise level:70 db (A) Air inlet:Ø 200 mm
Separator olja PFOS-40CF - Separator olja Profluid hitro in učinkovito odstrani olje iz hlajenja

Separator olja PFOS-40CF - Separator olja Profluid hitro in učinkovito odstrani olje iz hlajenja

The PFOS oil separator as an alternative to oil skimmer The Profluid oil separator clean the cooling water of cutting machines in approx. 2 hours. Due to their well thought-out design they are very easy to operate and maintain. The oil separator separates oil and cooling water by means of a porous filter. This porous filter has an effective resolution and works without clogging. By the difference of the specific weight the oil drives the surface. The result is an easy separation and removal of the oil. Regular cleaning and separation of oil and emulsion prevents health problems for your employees. Another positive aspect is the increase in the service life of the cooling water. Cooling channels can become clogged due to contamination of the cooling water. This can be prevented by cleaning the cooling water. Excessive wear of machine parts and corrosion on workpieces can also be the result of contaminated cooling water. Pump capacity:400 litres/hour Pressure:2 – 5 bar Fluid:emulsion with foreign oil Model:Mobile / movable Weight:45 kg


Trochoidpumpe für Kühlwasser bei 1500rpm (50 Hz) 6 Liter bis 30 Bar Bei 1800rpm (60 Hz) 7,2 Liter bis 30 Bar Der Druck ist abhängig von der Leistung des Motors. ARTIKELNUMMER:1015760


Trochoidpumpe für Kühlwasser bei 1500rpm (50 Hz) 12 Liter bis 25Bar Bei 1800rpm (60 Hz) 14,4 Liter bis 25 Bar Der Druck ist abhängig von der Leistung des Motors. ARTIKELNUMMER:1010760 HERSTELLER ART-NR:TOP 208 HWM
Herbal Premiere

Herbal Premiere

Herbal Premiere is crafted with a natural, earthy aesthetic, ideal for herbal infusions, oils, and elixirs. Its unique design preserves and showcases contents beautifully, making it an excellent choice for brands focused on authenticity and quality.


Größe 16 Dropsa 3083444 z.B. für Ergomat Maschinen ARTIKELNUMMER:5196210 HERSTELLER ART-NR:ERG911872.00


Ohne Controller Spannung: 220Volt, 50 Hz, 3-phasig (Drehstrom) Leistung: 25Watt Födermenge: maximal 85cc/Minute maximaler Druck: 20 Bar Tank: 3,0Liter ohne Druckschalter Wandmontage ARTIKELNUMMER:5217260 HERSTELLER ART-NR:AMGP-3M2-01N-T03-TY


mit Controller mit Druckschalt. ARTIKELNUMMER:5138450
Separator oljne meglice AF-40P - Separator oljne meglice – sistemi za ekstrakcijo hlapov

Separator oljne meglice AF-40P - Separator oljne meglice – sistemi za ekstrakcijo hlapov

Oil mist separators are a must in order to ensure the extraction of oil mist from machine tools. With AOF filters we offer a whole series of extraction systems for effective extraction and filtration. The separator can filter emulsion mist, oil mist, smoke and odours. Oil mist filters can be installed on almost all turning machines– and milling machines and BAZ. In this way you can offer a healthy working environment for you and your employees. Heat and odours are effectively filtered and the emulsion separated from the exhaust air can be reused. The filters of the oil mist separators are equipped with multi-stage filtration. The elements are cleanable and reusable. Harmful emissions, dust and aerosols are removed from the air at almost 100%. Health hazards Oil mist and emulsion mist Motor:1,15 kW capacity:40 m³ /min (2.400 m³/h) Noise level:71 db (A) Air inlet:Ø 200 mm